About my Blog

It's all about good food and travel... Let's share and interact together with good foods!!!

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. ~ Virgina Woolf"

"The belly rules the mind. ~ Spanish Proverb"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Let's Rock Again!!!

Let's rock again!! Haha~
This time, again the stone meal @ StarRocks, Tebrau City JB...
For those who are interested in fresh stuffs...
You can try out all of these and decide how cooked is your food.. ^^


The Interior~


Chocolate Drink

StarRock Coffee~

Honey Lemon~

Chicken Chop Rice

Raw Chicken at your service...

Wooo for the Moooo~ Grill the meat yourself ^^

The Best~ Tom Yam Soup...
I like it the most!!! Nice taste and colour... Dare to try?? ^^

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Foods Again!!!

It's been a long time since i last updated my foody foody blog of this... Haha~
Well, these are a few food i tried this few months ago, and i forgot whats the shop's name...
Haha~ Anyways, have a nice view ooo...
I think those pics i take are quite nice and temptating...

Sweet and sour pork...
My favourite, BitterGourd!!!
Thai style with fresh bittergourd... wow~ @.@

Idol of the day~ Cheese baked BigPrawn.. Haha...


Claypot Brinjal --> Quite nice :P

The dessert... Yam and pumpkins with milk.. Perfect match and fulfilling...